I have felt as if life has been incredibly hectic lately. It's not that anything new is happening, I'm just not being a very responsible steward of my time. Ever have one of those weeks? I think I'm having one of those months. :)
I've been blessed to have several wonderful photography opportunities that I hope to be able to share on here sometime in the near future. I've also been spending a bit more time down at the barn since the second of the 2011 babies is here. It's also that time of year to start getting new photos of the horses that will be for sale this spring and I feel as if I've taken and edited 10,000 photos lately. (In all reality, it's more like 3,000 -- but STILL!)
I'm one of those people that find it very easy to tune out God's voice among the steady drone of life. Ever been there? The daily noise of rushing hubby off to work, editing photos, phone calls, trips to the barn, lunch with friends -- it's so easy to miss God. I didn't realize how guilty I was of this until our pastor's wife sent a message via my mom saying how much they missed us at church. WHAT?! We were just there. Weren't we? I know I was there last week. No? OK, not last week, but surely the week before, right? Try again. It's been almost 2 months since I was at church. I am so ashamed to admit that and I've almost deleted it a couple of times.
I'm making some radical adjustments to my daily life. Some might not seem that radical to anyone else, but to me -- we're talking pretty large. I've started by cutting down the list of people I follow on Twitter. Something tells me that Perez Hilton isn't going to add much to my daily walk with God. I'm pretty sure that TMZ isn't going to either. I've decided to cut back on the number of photo shoots I do a week so I don't spend 80 hours a week editing. I'm neglecting my duties as a wife -- and a quick look around our living room will more than likely confirm that. :( I'm setting aside at least 30 minutes (but preferably an hour) in the evening to catch up on my bible study and just tune out the rest of the world. It seems that God meets me in the stillness when I am willing to focus on Him -- and not everything else.
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago