The past few months have just flown by and once again I forgot to keep up with my blog!
Despite having several "no new additions" conversations, we brought Lola home in October. We found her in the parking lot of our favorite Mexican restaurant which is right next to a busy highway. There was no way we could just leave her there so she came home with us!
Marlene had exhibits at Williams Station Day in Atmore and the Fall Art Festival at the Gulf Shores United Methodist Church and we were able to go to both of those. It's always fun to hang out and watch Mar go into her "professional" mode!
We had beautiful fall weather this year and tried to spend as much time as we could in Shell Banks. Walking along the shoreline just soothes my soul.
Brett and I were both able to take a week off for Thanksgiving so we met up with Jim and Mar and drove up to Aiken. Brett's grandmother had 2 good days while we were there and it was nice to be able to spend some quality time with her. Brett's younger brother drove up Thanksgiving Day so Jim was able to spend Thanksgiving with his mother and all 4 of his kids. As always, we had a fabulous time in Aiken. I honestly think I could live there and be happy as a clam!
Christmas was a little low key this year, but that was fine with me. We had Christmas dinner with my parents and my great-aunt and uncle and had a very good time. This was the first year that I cooked everything on my own and I'm proud to say that it all turned out just fine! (Thank goodness!)
We started off the New Year with some record setting cold temperatures. I was really hoping we would get at least a few snow flurries, but they stayed too far north. Our highs stayed below freezing for a couple of days and we dipped into the single digits at night. I was shocked when our slough at the river actually froze over! I've never seen that before.
2014 was also kicked off with a new look for Brett. The ponytail is officially GONE! She cut off a 16" ponytail, plus cut off another 3". I can't believe he had that much hair on his head in the first place! LOL
2013 ended with some pretty great memories and I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store!
Me and my Boyz | February birthdays 🎂
5 years ago