Sunday, July 29, 2012

No Spend August

I'm a little late to the "7" party; I just finished reading it last weekend. It ranks a place in my Top 10 Favorite Books Ever pile for sure. Despite the fact that it was an awesome book and that I totally think Jen is a rockstar for pulling that off, I'm not sure that I have the self discipline to do so. Imagine my surprise when my hubby (who never read the book nor did he know I was reading it) decided we need to tackle some 7-esque type challenges to make us aware of just how much extra crap we have/spend/do/waste.  Hello, God. Nice to meet you here. Would you care for a glass of tea?

{This is where I inserted a pretty big sigh and a slight eye roll. Just being honest!}

We're tackling spending for the month of August. There are several good reasons why I'm not excited about doing this during the month of August -- my birthday being a big one! I had some pretty fun ideas that are now pretty much flushed down the commode. Granted, if I know Brett I'm pretty sure he has something nice up his sleeve, but I'm still not in love with the idea.

The goal for the month of August is pretty simple. If it's not a bill or a necessity, don't buy it. It sounds a lot easier than it's going to be. I'm already not a fan of no new Kindle books, no stalking good deals on eBay, no cute stuff from Etsy, no new iTunes downloads, no Sugar Rush (our local version of Starbucks) -- no ANYTHING.

Unlike the book, I don't think I'm going to ask for external accountabilty partners. I think Brett and I are going to try to fly this thing alone. Hopefully we won't crash and burn!

I'm planning to use my blog as a way to journal this. Here's to hoping I can remember to update it!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sweet Summertime

The past few months have slowly melted together in the delicious blur known as summertime. Nothing overly exciting has happened; we're just enjoying life!

Our family grew by 4 paws over Memorial Day weekend. A sweet, 2 year old male Boxer wandered up and adopted us. We managed to find his original family and after learning that they were not able to keep him any longer, made him an official member of our family! His first family named him Bama, but Brett starting calling him Gomer as a nickname and it seems to have stuck. He's such a funny fellow!

Jim and Marlene drove up for Memorial Day and my dad twisted Jim's arm hard enough that he agreed to take Dad's Harley for a spin. I'm pretty sure that my Dad is now on Marlene's bad list. :)

I've been fighting 2 new addictions lately --- HGTV and Pinterest! I've dabbled on Pinterest for a while, but I've been really drawn in over the past couple weeks. Brett laughs at me when I hole up in the bedroom every night to pin until my heart's content! LOL